Name: Asia Mmkay
Birthday: December 19
Astrological Sign: Sagittarius
Ethnic Descent: Black American
Languages: English and currently learning Japanese and Spanish
Occupations: Finance, Digital Content Creator, Forex Trader, and Business Owner
Residency: USA
Catch Phrase(s): "Make Every Day an Asia Day" and "I'm Your Favorite Werido"
Favorite Game: I'm stuck between the Sims and Silent Hill
Behind the Cosplayer
My is Asia Mmkay. Let me address the elephant in the room. How did I come up with my name? Asia is my name first name. The Mmkay is from South Park teacher named Mr. Mackey. M’kay?
I cosplay movie, comic, and game characters. I mostly do my own makeup, hair, and create my outfits. I post my cosplay process on my YouTube channel called Asia Mmkay Cosplay.
I have been gamer since as long as I can remember. I play a varies of genres, however, we top favorites will always be horror, strategy, and simulation. I post my walkthroughs and gameplays on my YouTube channel called Asia Mmkay Plays.
I have a podcast called MeSoAsia. I also enjoy to do DIY projects, home décor, wig/hair styling, fitness, body care, makeup, fashion, and etc. I post about these topics on my main YouTube channel called Asia Mmkay.